Woocommerce – Customize product category archive with Divi Builder
In this tutorial, we will see how to customize a woocommerce product category archive by using the DIVI Builder. First, we need to use a child theme (if you don’t know how to create one, a very simple tutorial is available by following this link.) Next, we need to...

Polylang – Duplicating content from original post across translations
This post can be helpful for anybody using Polyang plugin to handle translations. Working on original content (text, medias) is a time saver for translation work; but in the free version of Polylang, you can't duplicate content or title from original post across...

DIVI Change log
I think it's very important to know all change made to a theme when/before updating to new version. You'll find a Global changelog for DIVI theme on Elegant Themes website : Changelog DIVI

Open content in popup without plugin
A new tutorial coming from a question on facebook group Divi Theme Tutorials. The goal was to open a picture in a lightbox using a link. of course there are plugins to do that, but DIVI already use a lightbox system based on Magnific popup library. Better than install...